Understanding the Healing Process of a Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve occurs when the nerve is under pressure or something is compressing it. This issue can be potentially painful and cause muscle weakness, among other issues. At Houston Advanced Spine, serving The Woodlands, TX, and the surrounding region, Dr. Thomas J. Cartwright provides a variety of services to help patients heal. We'd like to now explain what you can expect this will mean for you.

How a Pinched Nerve Heals

 The nerves leading throughout our bodies emerge from the spinal cord. Often, problems in the spinal column compress nerves at their root, with the result being felt along the nerve’s length. As long as there's compression, a pinched nerve may continue to be painful or numb. The goal we have at our practice, serving The Woodlands, TX, is to ease the pressure and ultimately promote recovery.

To ease the pressure, Dr. Cartwright will recommend at-home changes, like rest and ice to ease swelling. Heat can smooth sore muscles and often helps as well.

We may also recommend treatments at our office to facilitate the process, including physical therapy, injections, and surgery, depending on the patient’s needs.

Physical Therapy for a Pinched Nerve 

 Regardless of what other interventions are recommended, part of the treatment for a pinched nerve is almost always physical therapy. The reason is stretching can take pressure off the nerve. We're also improving your flexibility and strengthening the tissue in that body part. Not only are we helping it to heal at the moment, but we're also preventing future injuries.

Besides physical therapy in our office, we may also recommend exercises you can do at home to further your progression and better promote healing.

Signs You're Healing 

 We'll continuously monitor your progress to ensure you're healing properly. And if any issues are occurring, we'll want to step in and correct the problem.

As the healing process is occurring, you'll notice certain signs. First and foremost, your pain will start to diminish. Typically, it doesn't happen all at once. In most cases, it'll reduce gradually. You may go from a jabbing sensation to a minor tingling sensation.

Numbness and weakness can occur with a pinched nerve. You'll notice this subsiding as the nerve is no longer compressed. Ultimately, this means you'll start to have the feeling in the area once again.

Since muscle weakness may arise from a pinched nerve, you'll begin to regain your strength and function as the pinched nerve heals.

Another sign of a pinched nerve is a loss of flexibility as well as stiffness and immobility. These will start to subside as you heal.

When you visit Dr. Cartwright at Houston Advanced Spine, serving The Woodlands, TX, and the neighboring communities, you'll receive a thorough examination before we determine a treatment. We’ll go over specific expectations for recovery after we’ve understood your situation fully.

Call 281-305-9533.

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